
Musical Obsessors Unite!

So if any of you are like me and are totally obsessed with musical, then you should check out my latest and most fabulicious blog!!!! Its all about musicals and weird facts about the musicals and weird theater facts and stuff like that. So go to my tab labeled Musical Obsessors Unite!


Rant Fest

An Honest Opinion: The Rant Fest of the Day
By Victoria M

    “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America…” We have all heard these words at some point in our life. In fact a lot of us hear it every single day. But how often do you stop to think about what you are really saying? And if you do, do you really agree? I know I don’t.
    So let’s break this down. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.” Allegiance is the key word in this statement. Allegiance meaning loyalty or commitment. It also says “... to the flag”. In case the flag, of course, means the USA. So, yeah, every day we are basically saying we will be loyal to our country while other people are running around joining ISIS. In fact, over 200 Americans have tried to join ISIS. Fabulous isn’t it?
    “And to the republic for which we stand.” A republic, in case you didn’t know, is a form of government where you elect your people of power. Yes, we are a republic but is it a fair republic? No. Politicians running for president are essentially spending billions of dollars on crap to buy your votes. President Obama spent a total of 683,546,548 dollars on his presidential campaign! All the politicians say they will make our country a better place, but is that true? Also a no. I mean, seriously? They’re greedily blowing cash while people in poverty are begging for someone else’s loose change. How could someone wanting a better country do that?
    “One nation, under God. Indivisible.” Indivisible. A big long word meaning that we won’t divide. One nation. Might I remind anyone of the Civil War? Are we really so special that we are completely unable to have another one? Look at Korea, for goodness sakes! They were one nation too and now they’re half Communist! And while we may be under God’s grace and in His mercy does anyone care? No! They’re too caught up trying to solve their own silly “problems” when all they have to do is look to God for the answer.
    “With liberty and justice for all.” The last line. Some might argue this is the most important line of the pledge and I totally agree. But I think it’s most important because it’s something we need to achieve. Some people might be all like, “ Oh we are so lucky to have liberty and justice and blah, blah, blah.” And I agree. Partially. We are very, very lucky to have our liberty. But where in the world is our justice?
If I were to  ask someone that they might say “Just look at how we used justice with that Boston bombing terrorist guy!” But then I would look at them like they’re idiots. I mean, really?! You call killing a guy justice?! Yeah, he killed and hurt a lot of people but the thing is sometimes death can be more of a reward than a punishment. Not to mention the death sentence is totally inhumane, but that’s another rant fest. Ok, back to justice. If you don’t see my point there then we’ll move to another current event.
The shootings of black people. This is a very good place to prove my point. Madison, Wisconsin. Wisconsin isn’t really the first state you would think of if someone asked you to name a state. Well, unless you live there. But everyone in the country looked at Wisconsin when unarmed, African-American,Tony Robinson was shot by a white police officer on March 6, 2015. It is so not fair for police to be basically going around shooting black people and then nobody does anything! People protest and show how they hate it but does the government care?! No! They just pat the police officer on the back and declare them cleared of all charges!
Ok, now I believe I will climb off my soapbox and bring this today’s rant fest to a close. But consider this: Next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance instead of mindlessly reciting it, try to use it to make a difference for the better. No matter how big or small, old or young you are you are just as capable in making our world the place that people like Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela dreamed about.