
Chpter 1

I have been working on a story which I think has been coming out pretty good. Here is the first chapter. I will post the next chapter soon.
    Chapter 1
Day 1
In one short day Karina’s life changed forever. That one day was November 22, 1963. In other words the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot and killed. Karina  is a normal girl who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her secret is: she could have saved President Kennedy.

    Karina Johnson was 13 and lived in Dallas, Texas with her mother Andrea Johnson. Andrea works at at the Texas School Book Depository. She worked on the sixth floor. Karina was outside the building because it gave an excellent view of the motorcade that would be coming down the street any minute. There were lots of police and lots and lots of spectators. Then Karina saw the president’s car coming. She ran upstairs to get her mother so that she could see the president too. Karina ran up the stairs as fast as her leather boots could carry her. When she got there her mother wasn’t there. But her mom’s co-worker Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald was. She stifled a scream when she saw him. She wasn’t screaming because he was ugly or scary. Well at least he usually wasn’t scary. At this particular time though he was. That was because he was holding a gun and pointing it at the oncoming motorcade. Karina stood there frozen as Oswald pulled the trigger. Then Karina let out the scream she had been holding along with the people in the crowd. But her scream was a mix of disbelief, rage and most of all: regret. I practically killed the president! she thought. Then Oswald turned around.

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