
Chapter 2

Here's the second chapter of Karina's Secret.If you like it tell me. Please check out the writing blog I made for you writers and readers out there.
Chapter 2
Lee Harvey Oswald
Of all the things that could happen today it has to be bystander that ruins my plan. Oswald thought. Oswald was raging. Karina was pale and frightened. “Umm I think I’ll go now….” Karina stammered.  
“Oh you ain't gonna go anywhere Ms. Johnson,” Oswald said forcefully. “As a matter of fact I think you might just be comin’ with me. “ Oswald’s new plan was risky but if he let Karina go she might go blabbing to the police. “Girl you come here or I might just have to come and get you,” Oswald said. Karina did move but it wasn't toward him. She ran to the door. With one swift movement Oswald pulled out the shotgun that had murdered the president. “One more movement Karina and you can go see your beloved president again. “

Karina froze that time. Good. All is going as I planned. We’ll get out of here and I’ll head to that abandoned cabin up by the lake. Oswald grabbed Karina by the hood of her hoodie and tied her arms and legs together. “If you make any attempt to escape from me I will make sure that the next time your mom sees you you won’t be breathing. Are we clear?” Oswald demanded. He didn't even have to see her nod her head to know that they were.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, great, super blog!
    That is a great story!


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