

School starts for most places on September second. I certainly can't wait! Everyone thinks I'm crazy but I quite like school. I'm really excited though for my electives which are: French,Orchestra, FACE (that's what my school calls Home Ec.), Tech Ed., and Chorus. The one part though that I'm really looking forward to though is the school musical. Unfortunately that doesn't happen until March or sometime in Spring. I'm also taking Social Studies, Accelerated Math, Advanced English, and Science. One last thing I would like to add to this blog entry is a video. It's only 18 seconds but I like it. It was recommended to me by one of my friends and it's called "Welcome to the Crying Circus". That's the top one. The bottom one is by the same person and called "How to Kidnap Your Bro and Hit him with a Shoe". Please Take the poll on which one you like better.    <3 VICTORIA

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